Monday, August 31, 2009

Turmoil in BJP

There is an dictum that “Success has a hundred fathers but failure is an orphan”.This aphorism is very apt in context of the chaos that has engulfed BJP.The genesis of all its problems seems to be the electoral debacle it faced in the Loksabha elections 2009.If the party would have won, the very leaders who are now brusquely denouncing the party’s policies, would have been showering hosannas on Advani for his statesmanship. Every one would have been happy with plum portfolios. But the drubbing it got at the hustings proved to be very costly.Now the party should have been analyzing the causes of its defeat, but it is so busy in its internal squablings that there are hardly any signs of introspection or contemplation for future action.It has been so disarrayed by its internecine feuds that it has completely forgotten or dare I say “Abdicated” its role as the principal opposition party of the largest democracy in the world.The opposition to the Sharm el-Sheik imbroglio was also quite lukewarm.
This turmoil in BJP is a matter for great concern. The role of a strong ,constructive opposition is very pivotal in a functioning democracy.Lack of a strong opposition spurs the incumbent party to become complacent and thus heedless to peoples needs.It may in long term also make the incumbent party presumptuous and tyrannical enough to force its policies on the nation. Indira Gandhi was able to impose Emergency easily because at that time our country lacked a strong and coherent opposition.
So BJP should understand how crucial is its role for growth and progress of our nation.It should rise up to the unprecedented challenge it faces. Internal disagreements if any should be resolved peacefully and quietly, and not in full media glare. With all its senior leaders retiring , it has to pass on the mantle to younger generation leaders who inturn should be groomed to take on the the challenge audaciously. Furthermore, it has to strengthen itself at the grass root level by reaching out to the masses, understanding their problems, and publicizing the lacunas in the governments policies. It should also unambiguously clarify its stand on all vexed issues like Hindutwa and others.And all this has to be carried out in a planned , coordinated and systematic manner.


  1. Wow...I completely agree with your views.Also I would like to emphasize on the fact that the policies of the bjp should be more future oriented rather than they squabbling over dead men.Blaming Advani over kandahar issue or jaswant singh over jinnah controversy will be of no good.In case of the former no incumbent could have thought of a better solution and the latter simply penned his feelings based on historical facts.Vajpayee ji was popular because of his pro people policies(sarva sikha abhiyan) and vision for a strong India(pokhran tests).I suggest the upcoming torchbearers of the party take a page or two from his life to reflect upon.

  2. a very honest analysis...i am completely agree with this article.if BJP had won last election all the leaders would have been worshiping adwani. they are out of power for considerable time but they are still under some kind of illusion of being in power.BJP is not like other family run pvt limitedparty likeDMK,CONGRESS,SHIVSENA,BIJUJANTADAL,AKALIDAL.BJP is based on ideologies like hindutava, nationalism and akhand bharat.people vote for bjp due to ideologies not for the leaders.people like jaswant singh and arun shourie could not win a single election on his own .they got big position in ministry due their early association with party or u can say with party leaders.they contributed nothing in BJP so they don't have right to blame a person like adwani who with bajpaee took this party from zero to party has nothing to give them so they are making all the cry.look at jaswant singh he is nothing with out BJP. now its high time party should take some hard decision and let these fish off the hook..

  3. @subhanker:any Indian government would have done the same what BJP had done in kandhar.Even during Rajiv Gandhi premiership terrorist kidnapped to mufti's daughter and rajiv gandhi ordered to free 5 terrorist in exchange of that lady..

  4. @sambit
    i agree with you completely...i am of the same opinion that a strong opposition is needed for a healthy democracy...i understand all this would not have happened had bjp won the election..but bringing all this to public glare has done them no good and has exposed the weaknesses in its leadership..

    i am not surprised at u supporting bjp for anything..:)
    regarding ur pvt limited family run parties issue...i think DMK and congress are the best running parties in the country..there may be only one family running them but at least there is least all members have accepted Sonia or Karuna as their undisputed leader..not like bjp where every Tom , Dick and Harry wants to run the party..!

  5. !!!.. dude,, i hav 2 admit awesome article it is!!!.. really very flexible smooth english..!!... jackass frm wher did u learn such nice stuff bty!!!.. gud shitt it is!!.. keep ur blogg posted every alternate will be bettre

  6. @prateekmathur:dude i am not supporting BJP.I am criticizing some of its leader (who are now become the holy saints in media) for not supporting the party in bad days.And Mr Lal krishna Adwani and Rajnath singh are not tom,dick and herry .they are self made man who got the higher place in Indian politics due to their capability not like others whom kursi is gifted due to their political family.
