Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Scrapping of Xth board exam an unwelcome move

The recent proposals of the HRD ministry envisaging to make the Xth board optional and replacing the marking scheme with grade system is an unwelcome move. Let us analyse the logics given by the HRD minister in this regard. Firstly, the logic is to reduce the tension of students and their parents .But even with grading system the students would be pressurized and traumatized to secure good grades(if not good marks).No student would want to get a D or E grade. So essentially the very aim of alleviating the tension and trauma of students is not addressed in this proposal. The second logic is that a child need not attend board in class Xth if he is continuing in the same school till XIIth. But how many schools offer classes till XIIth level? None of the schools under state boards have facilities till XIIth. Most of the good intermediate level colleges are autonomous bodies which consider Xth mark as basis for admission. With Xth board scrapped , these prestigious colleges could conduct their own entrance for admission into intermediate level courses. This would in turn aggravate the trauma of students rather than alleviating them. Another logic given by the minister in favour of his proposal is the absence of formal exams in different western countries. Then he should consider the ramifications of such absence also. Studies reveal that the students in many western countries are very poor in maths and analytical abilities owing to such lax assessments.Even 18 year old students are unable to solve basic problems.This is clearly reflected in results of international tests like GRE. Indian students score brilliantly in the aptitude sections while the western students falter badly.
Without examinations , students would lack a competitive spirit and the zeal to perform better .Apparently by relaxing the exams at Xth level we will be inducing a peculiar ineptitude and lethargy in our students . Students lacking proper basics will face huge difficulties when they approach higher and technical education.Well educated students with sound mental and analytical skills form the backbone of our country’s development. Implementation of the proposed education policy would spur a pool of educated fools which will essentially break the backbone of our country.I hope the ministry foresees the negative ramifications of such a proposal and decides against it. Rather than wasting its time and energy on changing a well established exam procedure , the ministry should cogitate on how to provide a good education to the ill fated children’s who are hitherto denied such privilege.


  1. 10th boards have been made optional...(not scrapped)so ppl who do not wish to continue in their respective boards may still take them.again grades wont exactly traumatize students as marks would because we have a range and a relative measure would be introduced.but ya definitely the cream of the lot will feel their hardwork go down the drain.further as i have said in my blog it won't apprise the child of his real interests in which he could carry further studies coz marks would give an exact analysis of his standards.cols would face difficulty in fixing cut offs too.i do support u and see no reason why a national level competition which is a basis for laying the foundation of a bright career be made optional.

  2. i didnt know much about this as I moved out of India just after this issue started to build up..but i do agree that Indian students are much better taught than US students till the Undergrad level..higher than that US is way ahead than me i have attended a few Undergrad classes here and they seem so damn easy coz in a bid to reduce the pressure and all that crap (sorry..cant help) they are literally teaching them nothing for the first two years of their Undergrad and high schools are absolutely useless...i dont think that can fit into Indian system of education..if u have to improve the education system and detraumatize the students then you should scrap reservation and not class X boards...

  3. The problem with India is that we have no system of education. It is just a system of literacy.People tend to confuse these two things. The objective of education is to make people independent thinkers. It doesn't really matter how facts the students need to cram up as an under graduate course.

  4. Hullo! Here's my wise-arse opinions on this issue: The thing with the Indian education system is that it's largely pedantic (it is a bit more than being just literate, oh mad scientist). In our country marks, ranks and freakin entrance examinations mean the most. Furthermore, parents start off when their kids get to class X, "how you fare in this will decide how your life is." The fact is, as you and I know, that it doesn't matter. Because following that they say class XII is more important, and those lousy college examinations. The GRE fever catches up without the parents' pressure. :P

    And making the class X exam optional: nice try. No Indian parent is going to say, "beta it's okay - don't write your boards." Each one may come up with their own reasons to convince their kids, but most of the kids will write it.

    It isn't that American kids fumble in the GRE while Indians ace through. The Americans who make it through to grad school are the cream of their country and are darn smart.

    Perhaps creativity should be allowed to grow!

    So coming to the point of that proposal being executed or not: I think that it really doesn't matter - either way the kids are going to write it, and the test is insignificant. :)

    Welcome to the blogsphere! Keep writing! :D

  5. ya, i completely agree with you.the problem with our government to imitate the policies followed by some developed nations has been an old doing so, our government unknowingly engender a lot many problems which are far beyond their imagination.the decision taken by HRD ministry to scrap board exams may bring a short term relief for students all over India but its long term effects are pernicious and cannot be ruled out.if xth board exams are scrapped then companies may find it difficult to differentiate between candidates.

  6. Hello and welcome onboard! Politics and the like is not my cup of tea, so I'll refrain from putting in my two cents. Keep up the good work and hope to see more.
